(No gauge)
- using the knitting on method, cast on 28 sts
- knit
- knit
- knit
- knit
- k5, p5, k8, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, put 2 st on cable stitch holder in back of work, k2, k2 off of stitch holder, put 2 st on cable stitch holder in front of work, k2, k2 off of stitch holder, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, k8, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, k8, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, k8, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, put 2 st on cable stitch holder in back of work, k2, k2 off of stitch holder, put 2 st on cable stitch holder in front of work, k2, k2 off of stitch holder, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1, p5, k5
- k10, p1, k2, p2, k2, p1, k10
- k5, p5, k8, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- k5, p5, put 2 st on cable stitch holder in back of work, k2, k2 off of stitch holder, put 2 st on cable stitch holder in front of work, k2, k2 off of stitch holder, p5, k5
- k10, p8, k10
- knit
- knit
- knit
- knit
- knit
bind off, weave in ends